Here We Go Again—Thanksgiving Carb Binge

Here We Go Again—Thanksgiving Carb Binge

Every year I say: I’m not going to eat apple pie, stuffing, mashed potatoes, an appalling assortment of homemade cookies, holiday candy, and cinnamon pumpkin bread until it’s coming out of my ears and I can’t sit up straight in a chair. But I do it....
Is He Cheating on You?

Is He Cheating on You?

Do you suspect your man is whooping it up with someone else? Of course, men being men, this is a risk we women take whenever we hook up with that half of the species. Caveman prompts just don’t seem to go away. Evolution apparently hasn’t seen fit to discard its fear...
So, You’ve Been Dumped…

So, You’ve Been Dumped…

What now? Do you stay in bed all day eating tubs of ice cream, watching Danielle Steel movies and bawling your eyes out? Yes. Do you kick your ex’s door down and beat the crap out of his new girlfriend and cut off his (never that great) penis? No. Do you write pages...
Fifty Shades of Stupid Sex

Fifty Shades of Stupid Sex

Yes, my totally awesome girlfriends, I am capitalizing on that famous book title to get you to read what I have to say about boyfriends and husbands, their shortcomings (oooooh–what metaphors surface in my sarcastic mind for that word) and our endless struggles...
Should You Take Him Back?

Should You Take Him Back?

The short answer, my totally awesome female friends, is . . . NO. And yet, why not give your ex a chance, or a second chance, or another in a long series of chances before hitting him over the head with a sign that says: What part of over don’t you...

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